Liebster Award


Okay I think I will have to make this blog entry in German because it makes a bit more sense.

Zu Allererst einmal vielen Dank an die liebe Aurelia für die Nominierung für den Liebster Award! Voll super dass du an mich gedacht hast, das freut mich wirklich sehr ♥ ♥ ♥

Da ich sozusagen ein Newbie bin in der großen weiten Bloggerwelt freue ich mich erst Recht! Um es kurz und knackig zu machen, hier meine kleine Welt in Bloggerantworten:

1. Was war für dich der Grund deinen Blog zu starten?

Um ein wenig meine Ideen in die Welt zu schicken und als Ausgleich zum, ab und zu, grauen Unialltag .

2. Was ist für dich die wichtigste Inspirationsquelle für neue Projekte/Blogposts?

Magazine! Und nicht wenig davon! Ich bin sozusagen ein Oldschool Fan und sammle wie verrückt DIY / Lifestyle und Hobbie Heftchen. Dazu gehören vor allem die Couch, Living at Home, Makerist und Selbstgemacht. Schaut mal rein!

3. Was macht dir beim Bloggen am meisten Spaß?

Design! Ich liebe es Fotos zu schießen oder Grafiken zu erstellen und diese in meine Blogeinträge einzubauen. So bleib ich in Übung und am Ende freu ich mich über ein passendes Layout und natürlich Feedback zu meinen Einträgen ♥

4. Welcher deiner Blogposts war bisher dein liebster?

Puh, das ist aber eine schwierige Frage! Aber wenn ich mich wirklich entscheiden muss, dann wird es wohl dieser hier sein. Aus persönlichen und emotionalen Gründen…

5. Weiß deine Familie und Freund von deinem Blog?

Ja logo! Mittlerweile nutze ich meinen Blog auch um alle zu informieren was bei mir gerade so abgeht 😉

6. Hast du Vorbilder? Wenn ja welche?

Vorbilder ist vielleicht der falsche Ausdruck aber es gibt ein paar Blogger, deren Posts und Feeds ich wirklich sehr gerne lese, anschaue und schwelge. Ich kann sie euch wirklich empfehlen, schaut mal rein bei:

  • Amalie loves Denmark: Wenn ihr, genauso wie ich, auf dänische Designs und dänischen Lifestyle steht ist das eure Anlaufstelle! Amalie berichtet über die Formlandmesse, tolle Reiseziele in Dänemark und super lecker Rezepte ♥
  • PopcornParanoia: #Regensburg, #Musik, #Fotos, #Geschichten ♥ Ein Muss für alle, die gern ab und zu ein wenig melancholisch in den Himmel schauen…
  • Maren von Rennerei: Ich liebe ihren Zeichenstil! Mein Platz wenn ich wieder einmal über meinem Grafiktablet hänge und ich ein wenig Ansporn benötige.

7. Hast du einen Lieblingsort, an dem du entspannen kannst? Wenn ja welchen?

Auf jeden Fall meine Terasse! Auch wenn ich sie jedes Jahr immer nur um ein Stückchen verbessern kann, aber es wird. Manchmal braucht es nur ein paar Kerzen und eine Flasche Wein mit dem Liebsten und ich vergesse dass da ein Kabel raushängt und ich schon wieder meine Tomaten vergessen habe zu gießen… Neben meiner Terasse bin ich auch gern in Burgruinen wie in Donaustauf oder in Kallmünz. Dort ist meistens niemand und man kann so schön im Gras liegen und sich vorstellen wie damals im Mittelalter die Mägde rumgelaufen sind und der Bierpanscher schon wieder eingekerkert war 😉

8. Wie sähe für euch ein perfekter Tag aus?

Es muss nichtmal ein perfekter Tag sein. Ein Abend mit Wein, Chips, Horrorfilm und meinem Seelenverwandten tut es auch ♥

9. Was sind die drei wichtigsten Dinge in eurem Leben?

♥ Veränderung ♥ Spannung ♥ jeder Herzschlag meiner Familie und Freunde

10. Was war der nützlichste Ratschlag den ihr bisher erhalten habt?

Du kannst die Anderen nicht ändern, nur deine Einstellung zu ihnen….

Das musste ich leider auf dem harten Weg erfahren, bitte nehmt euch den Ratschlag zu Herzen.

11. Wenn ihr drei Wünsche frei hättet, welche wären das?

Wie nur drei?!….. 😉

Spaß beiseite, ich bin wunschlos glücklich! Ich wünsche aber euch allen dass ihr niemals drei freie Wünsche brauchen werdet und ihr zufrieden und kreativ bleibt!

Hier Noch der Liebster Award Leitfaden (Regeln):

  • Danke der Person, die dich nominiert hat und verlinke ihren/seinen Blog bei dir
  • Beantworte die 11 Fragen
  • Nominier 3-11 weiter neue Blogger mit weniger als 300 Follower
  • Überleg dir 11 neue Fragen für die nominierten Blogger
  • Füge die Regeln in deinen „Liebster Award Post“
  • Füge eins von den Liebster Award Logos ein

So, ich hoffe ich habe nichts vergessen. Ich freue mich schon wenn ich bald mehr Leute hier kennenlerne und ich beim nächsten Mal 3 neue Personen nominieren kann!

Eine wunderschöne, kreative Woche an euch alle!






Woodwork and the smell of varnish

Finally I had some time to work on a project again! I have always been fond of wooden furniture and upcycling random stuff to create something new. I noticed that there was something missing on my patio even though I already had two beautiful stillages to sit on. Inspired by this magazine I decided to upgrade my stillages with a back rest. I am pretty satisfied with how it turned out. Now I can finally relax without getting a hunchback… The next project will be upgrading the cushion since I want a slightly thicker one and sewing a nicer pillowcase for it.

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful sunny weather! ☼ ✿ ❀

M’era Luna 2016 [my first time] ♥

Wow, that was one hell of a weekend! Despite the fact that we’ve got a pretty bad sunburn and now my skin is behaving like origami paper, that was one fine M’era Luna Festival! I have been a festival virgin for so long now, and finally this year marks the start of many festivals to come. I am now the proud owner of two wristbands (Metal United Festival and M’era Luna) and full of happy memories.

BeerAndFriends DustyBoots MeraLuna2 FestivalCoffee MeraLuna CampingFTW

People, Beer, Dust, Music and Sun! We were so exhausted that night. Thanks M’era Luna for giving us more than we expected! Rock and Roll, Helgaaaa, until next year!! Sign of the Horns on Apple iOS 9.3

Because of reasons

Summer! Feelings, regrets, music and whatnot. I remember sitting at the Donau with my soulmate, drinking Radler, talking about unrelevant stuff, not caring about what will happen tomorrow. I remember standing in the middle of a small crowd behind an old industrial building flowing through the rythm of my favorite band, the smell of BBQ and sunscreen. I remember lying on my balcony with him, drinking horrible self made Romulan Ale on ice, listening to Pink Floyd on his record player. I hope those feelings will never change…because of reasons.

LET THERE BE LIGHT blue and pink!

Hello Folks,

I finished my crochet lampshade! It took the whole day but I am really satisfied with it ♫♪ I pretty much adore those colours ❤ Since our corridor has a light blue colour tone the lampshade sets a pretty pastel contrast to it and still keeps it blueish.

Gegenstände mit Sprechblase

Hände mit Sprechblase


Almost mit Sprechblase

Friends mit Sprechblase

Lampe hell mit Sprechblase

Lampe dunkel mit Sprechblase

Illuminated mit SPrechblase

I had so much fun during this, seeing all the colours unite at last! ❤ And “Friends” kept me company ♬♪ I hope you have a very fantastic and colourful spring! ❁❀✿☼

Cat-MakeUp-Bag (=ↀωↀ=)✧

No, I don’t mean this:

Cat MakeUp

For a long time now I have been in need for a bag which holds all my Make Up stuff, even though I don’t possess a lot of it. However, I wanted to sew one which looks cute and is useful as well! So I decided to make a Cat-MakeUp-Bag, meow!

Bag front 2 Bag front

I really, really tried to make the face look sleepy, but somehow it ended up looking absolutely pissed! I love it! ❤ It has the perfect size and there is so much space left, I could use it as an overnight bag as well. There is still room for a toothbrush, a small shampoo bottle, toothpaste and accessories!

Bag inside

Another great feature are the ears! I can use them as hairclip holders which makes the cat look even more bugged out! ❤ Awesome!!

Bag Hairclips

The whole bag took about 2 hours to make because I didn’t have a specific pattern and I had to come up with the correct sizes and what fabric I wanted to use. The bottom part is made out of a blue denim fabric, the face and ears are made out of a black non-woven fabric and the inner part with the zipper is made out of a thin cotton fabric with a cute floral pattern. The eyes, the nose and the mouth is cut out of a white non-woven fabric and sewed on.

Bag MakeUp Bag sigh

Maybe next time I will make a bunny-bag or a fox-bag or a parasaurolophus-bag….anything is possible!!

I hope you have a great weekend! See ya soon! ♥ ♥ ♥



✩ T-Shirt Upcycling ✩

schere skaliertt-shirt-Ani schere skaliert linksschere skaliertt-shirt-Ani  schere skaliert links

Hi there, folks!

I decided to make a short, really easy Tutorial about how to upcycle old T-Shirts! If you have some shirts at home you don’t want to get rid of, because they still have some cool motifs or patterns on them, you might want to try making them into cute, handy shopping bags. ♥ ♥ ♥

My boyfriend recently cleaned out his closet and there was one T-Shirt which we really couldn’t throw out because the picture on it is just lovely!

Motiv  I love this little sparrow ❤

  1. Step:

Take your T-Shirt and cut off about 8 cm of the bottom, then cut the remaining shirt into a neat square. You’ll need to seam the top of the bag part and the sides of the strap parts, so the fabric won’t unravel.

T-Shirt T-Shirt cut

2. Step:

Turn the bag parts around and sew them together. If you have to deal with polyester or any other elastic fabric, you might want to use a zigzag stitch.

T-Shirt sewingT-Shirt criss cross sawing

3. Step:

After you sewed the parts together it is time to attach the strap. Sew the strap to the sides of the bag. To guarantee that it stands some weight better sew it on many times, I used the shape of an “X”.

T-Shirt almost finished

4. Step:

If you are satisfied with your stitches turn the whole thing around and ta daaa! ♫ ♪

bag skaliert T-Shirt finished

I should probably iron that one so it doesn’t look so crinkly…. Nevertheless, I am very satisfied how it turned out. You can use any kind of T-Shirt, be creative! You could also apply beads, buttons, ribbons, replace the strap with other straps and so much more. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me! ♥ ♥ ♥

schere skaliertt-shirt-Anischere skaliert linksschere skaliertt-shirt-Anischere skaliert links

From sawmill dust to splatter confetti

It’s been a while, I know, I am so sorry to kept you waiting! University had a hold of me and I rushed through exams and bad coffee. BUT! The worst is behind me and I finally have some time again to take care of my blog and other wonderful and creative things. ♫♫

I would like to share some of my favorite movies and series with you. I chose a TOP 5 because if I showed you all my favourites this would take about a year to finish. However, if you are interested in other genres or a second part please let me know, I would be happy to continue this! ❤

Ok, now! Welcome to my TOP 5 favourite Horror and Crime movies!

Top 5 skaliert

5                        SHREW’S NEST (original title: Musarañas)              2014

Shrew’s Nest is a spanish drama, horror and thriller movie by Juanfer Andrés and Esteban Roel. It takes place in an apartment in Madrid in the 1950s where two siblings, Montse and her sister La Niña, are living together. Montse suffers from agoraphobia, an anxiety disorder, which prevents her from leaving the apartment. One day, a charming young man, Carlos, accidently falls down the hallway stairs and gets badly injured. He barely makes it to Montses door and she decides to take him in for aid. Little does Carlos know that he might never leave this apartment again….


If you are in the mood for a deep, dark and eerie atmosphere combined with uncertainty and suspense I can really recommend this one to you. Like Montse, the viewer almost never leaves the apartment, giving an interesting perspective on the relationship between Montse, La Niña and Carlos. Camera angles and dusty, colorless patterns gives the whole scene a unique and absorbing atmosphere. Until the end, the movie takes the viewer on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, you never know whom to trust. Be warned, though, this movie does not have a happy ending….


4                       THE INCIDENT (original title: El Incidente)              2014

The Incident, a spanish thriller by Isaac Ezban, takes place in two parallel places. In both, the characters seem to be stuck in an infinite loop. A detective and two criminals seem to be trapped in an endless staircase. No windows, no doors, only a vending machine is giving them enough food and beverages to survive. The other victims are a family of 3, stuck on an endless road to nowhere. Between cacti and dust, an old, unstaffed petrol station is the only source for food and drink. While every character tries to figure out what is happening, time seems to have stopped entirely, leaving them slowly slipping into madness…


The Incident lets the viewer helplessly watch those characters slipping into a world where time has no meaning and personal hygiene is overrated. It starts out so innocent and ends with such a huge twist, it will leave you confused and with the desire to watch it all over again. The contast between the almost blindening white staircase and the dusty, yellow wasteland along the road makes it easy to follow the different stories which blend together in a suprising ending. Unfortunately I can not really tell you much about the history of those characters, because I do not want to spoil this movie for you! Nevertheless, if you are in the mood for a complex mixture of claustrophobia, mystery, drama and madness take a chance on this one!


3                       MR. NOBODY              2009

Have you ever wondered how things might have turned out if you had done things differently? Mr. Nobody, by Jaco Van Dormael, deals with exactly this issue. It starts with a futuristic, almost hyperbolical modern city, where an old man, played by Jared Leto, celebrates his birthday. He is the last man who can die of old age. While he traces back his years and decisions, a story unfolds, filled with different possible marriages, families and deaths. All tracing back to that moment when he was just a little boy, having to decide whether to stay with his mother or his father after their divorce.


Yes, this movie is a bit confusing and it does not really fit into my “Horror and Crime” category. However, the characters are so individual and unique and the ending is so awesome that this really had to go into my TOP 5! This movie almost plays with colours, patterns, minimalism, lighting and makeup. Jared Letos different appearances make it easy to know which timeline is present right now while his personal character differs as well. The viewer might even tend to favour one specific storyline more than others, giving the whole setting a suprisingly personal touch. If you have some time on your hand (this movie takes 2h 21 min!) and you want to be challenged, emotionally touched and surprised try this one out. I am sure you will not be disappointed!


2                      TWIN PEAKS             1990

You might already know the tv series Twin Peaks, since it has been on TV for a long time and won 3 Golden Globes. It is a crime, drama and thriller series, by David Lynch and Mark Frost, set in a small, idiosyncratic town, called Twin Peaks, surrounded by forest and beautiful nature. FBI agent Dale Cooper is sent to the small town to investigate the murder of Laura Palmer. Together with the crew of the local police station he tries to unravel this eerie, somewhat strange mystery of Lauras death. More and more clues lead to even more riddles, all somehow woven around the local people. How can an inconsiderable saw mill, a diner and a beautiful wooden hotel be involved in this gruesome plot?

twin-peaksUNITED STATES - DECEMBER 12: TWIN PEAKS - Gallery - Season One - 12/12/89, Homecoming queen Laura Palmer is found dead, washed up on a riverbank wrapped in plastic sheeting. FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLaughlin) is called in to investigate the gruesome murder in the small Northwestern town of Twin Peaks. Sherilyn Fenn stars as Audrey Horne, the teenage daughter of a wealthy businessman. , (Photo by ABC Photo Archives/ABC via Getty Images)

David Lynch and Mark Frost created a beautiful, suspenful masterpiece! The main character, Dale Cooper, is being performed by the charismatic Kyle MacLachlan who plays his role as a loveable, dashing young agent so well you might even fall in love a little bit. There is also a bit of nostalgia in Twin Peaks through fashion, hairstyle and settings (e.g. the vintage diner “RR”). You will love (or even hate) every single character, if it’s the somewhat clumsy but big hearted police deputy Andy Brennan or the sneaky, money-driven businessman Benjamin Horne.  And another treat: Twin Peaks will return in 2017! I recommend Donuts and Coffee while watching this awesome series!

1401x788-Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 12.14.53 PM

1                     TURBO KID            2015

Ta Daaa! ♫♪ Welcome to 1997, the world has gone down the drain and there is nothing much left, besides going scavenging and searching desperately for water. In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, a young boy dreams of becoming his superhero from the comic book “Turbo Rider.” Until he is being stalked and followed by an ethusiastic, overly attached girl named Apple, who won’t leave his side. Together with a dashing cowboy named Frederic, who earns his reputation and pocket money by armwrestling, they fight against an evil overlord named Zeus who finds pleasure in hosting public arena fights and tyrannizing the people of the wasteland. The three directors François Simard, Anouk Whissell and Yoann-Karl Whissell clearly show that no big budget is needed to make a great movie. They combined retro gaming feeling with hyperbolical gore effects, Power Rangers and an awesome movie soundtrack by Le Matos.


Be aware, this movie contains a lot of fake blood, organs and splatter effects. However, they are displayed in such a hyperbolical way that it fits just perfectly into this setting. The soundtrack is one major plus! Le Matos produced a mixture of Daft Punk, 8-Bit music and soft background sound, giving Turbo Kid the extra edge. Even though the movie is set in a dusty, polluted wasteland there are so many colourful elements, props and effects that it looks like straight out of a comic book. The characters are being performed by awesome, talented and charismatic actors like Munro Chambers, Laurence Lebeouf or Michael Ironside. Turbo Kid also won many awards in different Fantasy Film Festivals and was also shown as a special treat at the end of the Hardline Festival 2015 in Regensburg. If you like gore, humor, awesome music and a thrilling story I can definitely recommend this one to you!! ❤

Turbo-Kid Wallpaper

Phew, thank you for bearing with me! I hope you enjoyed this post, maybe you have already seen one of those movies? Let me know your opinion about them, I am very interested in other movies as well! Comment your favourites below ♥

Video Cassette blau Video Cassette grün Video Cassette gelbVideo Cassette rosa